There are a few things you can notice immediately when looking at SE Grocer’s new Organic chocolate milk. Proudly on display are lines such as reduced-fat, 42% less fat than whole milk, 2% milk, gluten-free, and the big tagline of that the milk is promised to be organic in nature. Typically these lines are red flags to me that indicate the milk will have no flavor, and instead be a watery, brown-colored substance with a bad after taste sticking to the roof of your mouth. SE Grocers however seem to have done what I would have previously regarded as impossible, made a decent tasting organic, healthy chocolate milk. The flavor is definitely present as chocolate milk, and the consistency is far from watery with no lasting aftertaste. Make no mistake that this is not outstanding chocolate milk, and there is a plethora of other chocolate milk I would recommend before purchasing this particular option. However, I can testify that t
his milk is definitely not a bad option. So the question is raised, how on earth did they manage to do it? How did they create an organic, ‘healthy’ chocolate milk that also tastes good?
The answer to this question can be found after investigating the nutrition facts of the milk. The fat content is definitely low for chocolate milk as it claims multiple times on the front label. However,
the sugar content is far from lacking with 34 grams of sugar present. This is the culprit behind the decent flavor. Although I prefer less sugary and instead a richer flavor chocolate to my milk, there is no denying that sugar can create average tasting milk if not used in excess. This does not explain the consistency though. A 2%, low-fat chocolate milk would normally end up being extremely thin and watery tasting, but this one manages to have some texture to it. Continue down the nutrition facts a little further and you find your answer, the protein content. Anyone who has ever had a protein shake will testify how thick they can becom
e, and despite the small bottle that this chocolate milk is stored within, it manages to pack 12 grams of protein. I’m quite surprised they did not use this as one of their organic tag lines, as it definitely increases the health benefits.
All in all, I’m happily surprised by SE Grocer’s new chocolate milk. I had abandoned hope that there could be a healthy but good tasting chocolate milk, but they managed to at least reach average tasting so maybe there is hope someday. -Off to Pour a Glass
UPDATE: I cannot believe I missed this. I praised SE Grocer’s, lauded them for their good work managing to create an average tasting organic chocolate milk where so many have failed. Despite this praise however, I was also deceived by the gorcery brand chocolate milk. This is not my first experience with SE Grocer’s chocolate milk. Previously I reviewed their standard chocolate milk, and rated it a much lower and pitiful 1.5/5. Reading the review, I don’t f
eel that my criteria for a delicious tasting chocolate milk has changed drastically since then, which leaves me with only 2 options. Either my taste buds have changed dramatically and I need to re-evaluate my life in the chocolate milk world, or SE Grocer’s managed two simultaneously impossible feats. Not only did they manage to make a normal chocolate milk with no
health benefits be as bland as if you drank cardboard with Hersheys Syrup drizzled on top, but they also managed to take their organic chocolate milk option and make it an ‘ok’ option when choosing a chocolatey drink. SE Grocer’s is the twilight zone of chocolate milk brands, where their standard option is bad, and their healthy option is good. The world is upside down, and I did not even notice.